Articles>> Volume 4 Issue 1, 2020

Tagetes erecta (Marigold) - A review on its phytochemical and medicinal properties
Yogendra Singh, Amit Gupta and Pushpendra Kannojia
Curr Med Drug Res 4 (1): Art. ID 201 (2020)
Medicinal plants extract and secondary metabolites are becoming popular all over the world as a natural alternative to synthetically produced chemicals both in Traditional and Allopathic system of medicine. This article discusses the medicinal values of Tagetes erecta (Compositae), also known as Genda Phul (marigold), reported during the period between 2006 and 2014. Different parts of the plant are useful in fevers, astringent, carminative, stomachic, scabies and liver complaints, diseases of the eyes, purify the blood, bleeding piles, rheumatism, colds and bronchitis. The plant Tagetes erecta contains various important phytochemical constituents from the different part of the plant. It shows different pharmacological activities like anti-nociceptive, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, insecticidal, larvicidal, hepatoprotective, antipyretic, wound healing, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiepileptic and antifungal. This review discusses the investigation made by various workers related to chemical constituents, pharmacological action and toxicological studies, traditional and non-pharmacological uses of this plant for years.

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