Articles>> Volume 4 Issue 1, 2020

Snake venom – From a deadly poison to a life-saving remedy
Dilip K. Goswami
Curr Med Drug Res 4 (1): Art. ID 205 (2020)
Snake is considered and proved to be the most potently poisonous reptile. It is evidenced that venom of some snakes can cause the death of an individual immediately, even without giving time to utter a word. In modern toxicology, extensive study is being continued on snake venom to know it properly with special reference to its composition, property, mode of action, agents that can neutralize its effect and many secrets are invented by till now. In Indian mythology, there are many stories about snakes. Indians imagine a goddess as the mother of the snakes and the snakes are mentioned to have immense power and strength even to hold the earth. Several snakes like Basuki and Takshaka are mentioned as divine snakes and their anger is said to be of destructive power. Ayurveda, the well-accepted ancient health science, has also discussed the snake venom in detail and many interesting facts about it are also mentioned in the classics. Classification of snakes, the character of each of them, their behaviour, the effect of bite, preventive measures of snakebite, diagnosis, mode of action of snake venom, treatment etc. are the beauty of the Ayurvedic classics. Interestingly, Ayurvedic classics describe the use of snake venom for the treatment of some critical diseases which can be considered as a unique concept. A discussion on the use of snake venom as medicine is considered to be important and beneficial. It is expected that the information provided in this article will be able to inspire the researchers to explore new things in the field of not only toxicology but also medical care of some serious and incurable diseases.

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