Articles>> Volume 6 Issue 1, 2022

Knowledge, practice and other correlates of emergency contraception among female undergraduate students of Niger Delta University, Bayelsa state, Nigeria
J. F. Eniojukan, P. A. Owonaro and J. A. Farka
Curr Med Drug Res 6 (1): Art. ID 223 (2022)
Women and couples continue to experience unintended pregnancies at high rates. There is a critical role for emergency contraception (EC) in preventing those pregnancies. The study was conducted among randomly selected 217 undergraduate female students in Niger Delta University to evaluate their knowledge, awareness, practice and other correlates of emergency contraception. A cross-sectional study design using a validated questionnaire was employed. Data was analyzed with SPSS Version 27 and Graph Pad. Respondents were aged 15 -25 years (69.2%); single (84.6%); Christians (92.3%); lived off campus (92.3%); drawn from faculties of Arts (23.1%), Nursing (25%), Pharmacy (30.7%) and Science (22%); study levels used were 500 level (38.5%), 400 level (23.1%), 300 level (26.9%), and 200 level (11.5%). All respondents reported to be aware of EC; 46.2% believed that the appropriate time to take EC is 24-48 hrs. After intercourse, majority (84.6%) reported to have used Levonorgestrol; 92.3% reported post-coital EC should be within 72 hours. Regarding effectiveness, 73% opined EC was effective to varying degrees; only 26.9% had experienced side effects; the major side effects experienced were: Menstrual changes/disturbances (60.6%), Headache (38.5%), and Nausea/Vomiting (37.5%); 57.7% of the participants agreed that EC use will lead to potency loss and 46.1% opined that excessive use of EC will lead to drug abuse. There was a statistically significant difference (p<0.001) in the responses from across faculties and study levels regarding the maximum acceptable time for postcoital EC, EC in relation to abortion and STIs. Although awareness about post-coital EC is high, the knowledge about key aspects of EC is poor and misconception is high among these students. There is a need to improve the knowledge and the attitude level of the participants about EC.

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Abstracting and Indexing