Articles>> Volume 6 Issue 1, 2022

Bladder cancer – A review of its pathology, diagnosis and treatment
Saurabh, Vijay Pal Singh, Sanjay Singh and Ritu Sanwal
Curr Med Drug Res 6 (1): Art. ID 224 (2022)
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most frequent bacterial infections, affecting an estimated 150 million individuals globally each year. In elderly people, urinary retention is a common condition in which the people in their 70s and 80s have respectively 10% and 30% possibility of acute urinary retention. Inadequate care for the disease can result in unnecessarily high morbidity and, in rare cases, death. The management has substantially improved as the understanding of its pathophysiology has grown through time. Bladder cancer is a frequent malignant tumour of the urinary system, with a subsequent high rate and high prevalence. While the incidence of bladder cancer has been rising in recent decades, the widespread of bladder carcinoma is growing in younger people. There are various techniques for detecting bladder cancer, but each approach has a varied rate of precision, which is determined by the accuracy and precision of the procedure. The present study aimed to comprehensively review existing bladder cancer investigative techniques found in the literature and, at the very same time, to determine the optimal mixture of several successful methods capable of finding the occurrence of malignant cells in the bladder with a reasonable level of accuracy. The review also covered a comprehensive knowledge of the urinary system, pathophysiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and assessment of bladder cancer. The findings of this study can aid in the development of a reliable approach for identifying bladder cancer and the identification of problem areas to be again improvised for upcoming research.

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