Articles>> Volume 3 Issue 1, 2019

Role of Jalaneti in the management of jeerna pratishyaya with special reference to chronic rhinitis
Manjula Heggai
J Convent Knowl Holist Health 3 (1): Art. ID 192 (2019)
Ayurveda is a highly evolved and modified system of life and science based on its own unique concepts like Tridosha theory, Panchamahabhoot theory, the concept of agni, mana, aatma and various types of schedule and regimen which are Dinacharya, Ratricharya, Ritucharya, Achara Rasayana, Sadvritta, etc. Today, the people of modern civilisation have absolutely changed the concept of diet and lifestyle leading to various disagreeable acute and chronic ailments. Due to frequent indulgence in Mithya Ahara Vihara and Prajnaparadha, the incidence of various disorders which are increasing rapidly. Nose is a sense organ which performs two functions i.e. olfactory and respiratory. Due to direct contact with the external environment, it is exposed to a lot of microorganisms and pollutants present in the atmosphere. Sushruta samhita describes Jeerna Pratishyaya in resemblance of chronic rhinitis. Rhinitis is the common disease of the present era. When rhinitis not treated properly, it leads to a chronic stage. It is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Neti is a wonderful way to clean the nasal passages which help to remove mucus and dirt from the nose, hence, clears the blockage. Through the effect of osmosis and capillary action, the blood vessels of the nose are stimulated to cleanse well. Hence, by balancing breathing action, a better balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system achieved. So, it is said to balance two important energy centres called Ida and Pingala.

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